Saturday, June 12, 2010

Virginia Beach

I'm currently staying at Virginia Beach for the AFIP courses in descriptive pathology and pathology of lab animals. It's toasty warm, although I'm inside most of the time. On the trip here I had a stopover in Philadelphia, so decided to be sporting and try an iconic local dish, the "Philly cheesesteak". There are two possible interpretations for this dish: a) It's a really bad idea to try iconic dishes with a bad head-cold; or b) Philly cheesesteak tastes like and has the texture of snot.

Anyway, here's the quietly regimented beach:

All the little shelters are courtesy of the myriad hotels on the oceanfront:

And there's Neptune, Guardian of the Bicycles (well, someone has to do it).

I'm staying in a little studio/motel thing, with the most compact kitchenette in the world - cupboards, stove, sink, draining board, oven, warmer and fridge/freezer.

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