Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spiders & Socks

One thing we hadn't considered until recently is that we're in a country where people can keep all manner of creatures... One of the histology lab techs showed us around her spider collection - here's one of the more photogenic members of the party (scale is in cm):

It certainly gave us something to think about in terms of keeping a pet in a place where we can't have cats or dogs....

I haven't been up to much (apart from work) for a while.... Finished more socks:

Mended more socks using a sneaky darning technique I figured out (I'm sure other people have worked the same thing out many times before):

It's just a case of using a sewing needle to duplicate stitch over existing stitches around the edge of the hole, and knitting needles to knit across the hole... It's very quick, and would be fairly invisible if I had matching yarn.

In other news, I finally get my first rabies (ahem... Anti-rabies) jab tomorrow.

1 comment:

Andrew_Clarke said...

Apparently you can just buy poison dart frogs over the Internet!