Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some kind of introduction

Well, here goes my first attempt at blogging. We shall see what comes of it, if nothing else it may be a useful way for friends & family to see what I'm up to.

The blog name? Partly because I have always found sheep to be inna
tely funny. Baaa. I guess you either get that or you don't, but I know I'm not the only one. I certainly can't be the only Kiwi. I'd like to think I'm not the only one who considers Black Sheep a romantic comedy, but so far that remains to be seen. Maybe I chose this blog name because I did my undergrad degree in an agricultural university where, in my first year, some considerable internal damage to my hostel was caused by a sheep. The title of my PhD thesis includes the word "Sheep" only once, but I did knit wool from sheep while my examiners deliberated my fate.

Or maybe I chose this blog name because of what I can see out the window:

Who can say?

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