Even after all this time in Corvallis, nearly 10 days, we still can't pass a squirrel without stopping and pointing at it, giggling, until it flounces away. Come on, those guys are hilarious.
Not only are there squirrels..... There are bees! BEES! In the supermarket! It has to be the coolest things I've seen in at least a day. Look - here's where you get the honey......
And here's where you let bees out into the supermarket! It's fool-proof!
Also, we've noticed the bumblebees here are yellow and black, with a yellow thorax. Really cool.
We made it to my (our) first Knit Night (Woo, the Corvallis Ravellers). These people are fantastic - apart from being a good laugh and full of useful local information, they've pretty much offered to give, sell or lend us most of the things we'll need to get started once we can move into a new place.
Manfred came to Knit Night, too.
And here's a bunch of us in Borders, which is one of the biggest bookshops I've been in so far (although I am looking forward to Powell's in Portland).
In business news, we applied for a rental today, it's the top floor of a duplex. Hopefully that comes through ok despite our pitiful lack of credit records. The real estate people have been quite understanding.
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