Saturday, November 26, 2011

More furniture!

A most exciting day yesterday - the rest of our furniture arrived! No longer do we sleep on the floor:

We also have a matching chest of drawers to hide thing in. Clothes, mostly.

Additionally, we now have a dining table - with chairs. The dining suite has replaced the chairs in the murder nook.

Old news: on the flight back from Iowa to Oregon (after sitting board exams), I made a lucky (or so it turned out) pathology scarf for the new resident at OSU: a really neat two-sided pattern from the Autumn '11 issue of my favourite online knitting magazine.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Comfort strikes

After spending about a week in the hostels on campus at Camden, we were quite happy to move into a rental studio. Luckily, we found a place fairly close to campus that we could take pretty much immediately.

The kitchen is quite nice (and now the holes are filled with a fridge and microwave):

... But we were otherwise indoor-camping without any furniture to speak of:

Happily, this weekend we finally managed to buy some items of comfort - including an excellent mattress and a small lounge suite. Two recliners are currently nestled in what I like to call the "Murder-Nook":

We also have a sofa for when recliners aren't quite lazy enough:

Additionally, a bedroom suite and dining suite are arriving next week sometime - buying all this furniture has been an interesting experience. And the fact that we now own furniture polish.....

In slightly more social news, we caught up with Marjorie in Sydney, and Manfred is back on the town:

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Beginning to catch up...

So... Yeah. There's been a huge gap in 2011, mainly due to preparing for, sitting, and passing (!) ACVP board exams, then fleeing to Australia to start a new job. There's a bit of catching up to do.

Of course, there have been more socks - basic pattern with Zitron Trekking (XXL).

As part of the master plan to take all the brewing paraphernalia with us to Oz, we picked up a new burner - a bit sturdier than the last one, and it can boil a flamingo from 20 metres.

I finally finished the top/tunic thing I've been working on intermittently for the last couple of years - knitted in lace-weight alpaca, the pattern was made up on the fly.

More preparations for moving across the Pacific - since we were shipping the computer, we picked up a cheap laptop for Mort to use in the mean time. Sometimes packaging is nearly as entertaining as the content:

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