Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's been a while

Yeah, I get busy and tired and blogging sort of goes out the window. Sorry.

My birthday-spindle has come in useful this week - I've used up my learning-fibre, and will have to find something else to spin.

We went to the annual homebrew club picnic the other weekend, which was a lot of fun. There were several beer-related games, including the hop-and spoon race and keg relays. Needless to say, cheating was rife. I was most impressed with the guy who put the hop on the spoon, then put that end in this mouth to carry rather than the handle-end as is more traditional....

The park was pleasant, and has some cool sculptures that I want to make into vertebrae:

Patrick & Elena's new puppy enjoyed herself. She's a Golden Doodle, which is a pretty dreadful breed name, if I do say so myself.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Girly knitting

I finished a girly-top this weekend, after our housewarming party thing:

Note: the sleeves are not necropsy-friendly but are good for making spooky hand motions.

Also, the back has curly-whirlies:

In appreciation for all the work Mort has been doing in the necropsy room, on Friday he was presented with a keg (and beer) - a totally awesome and appropriate gift. We were both thoroughly surprised.

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