Mort had fun building his computer:
Last weekend we went to happy-hour (or five), starting at Squirrels, where we found a bona-fide Lord of the Rings pin-ball machine. We lost a lot of "cool" points by taking photos of it:
Unfortunately I didn't check to see if the ball was the Eye of Sauron.
Oh, and remember how many beers you can normally get on tap in NZ? About four? The Fox & Firkin knows how to do beer on tap. I think there are 38:
After Squirrels and the Fox & Firkin, we headed over to Enoteca, a really stunning wine bar (at least, by my standards). You can tell a place has a special level of class when they include a Doggie Bar:
After a certain hour at night, electric car recharging sites are particularly funny, although I can't remember exactly why.
On Sunday, we went to a BBQ out near Independence. We learned that people here take kegerators to a whole new level:
Yep, that's four beers on tap just outside the back door. Awesome.
Of course, in a town of engineers you get some pretty spectacular home-brewing setups. This one provided the afternoon's entertainment:
Also, people here have a highly developed sense of morality that I can totally relate to:
At the BBQ I was given some sourdough starter that originally came from Germany. It's awesome stuff, tastes very yoghurty and makes very tasty bread.
During the week we finally got downstairs neighbours. We gave them a bit of help moving in, and they gave us pizza. A pretty fair trade, and we got to try traditional US-student-grade pizza instead of the flash stuff we tried some weeks ago. Cheese-some to the max.